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Second phase of the "Safe motherhood in the southern region of Azerbaijan" pilot Project is underway in Lankaran region

Second phase of the "Safe motherhood in the southern region of Azerbaijan" pilot Project is underway in Lankaran region


Second phase of the "Safe motherhood in the southern region of Azerbaijan" pilot Project is underway in Lankaran region

calendar_today 23 November 2023

Second phase of the "Safe motherhood in the southern region of Azerbaijan" pilot Project is underway in Lankaran region
Second phase of the "Safe motherhood in the southern region of Azerbaijan" pilot Project is underway in Lankaran region

The UNFPA initiated "Safe motherhood in the southern region of Azerbaijan" pilot project continues its interventions in Lankaran region. Trainings to healthcare provides are being organized in the framework of this project.

Within the two years of the project duration a number of advanced strategies to contribute to the reduction of maternal mortality cases in Lankaran region have been implemented.

The planned intreventions included monitoring of the quality level of medical services and provision of technical supply to the selected medical institutions (the Lankaran District Central Hospital, Lankaran Perinatal Center, Lankaran City Family Health Center and Shuruk Village Family Health Center) in the region. Moreover, capacity building trainings and practical excercise based on case studies have been organized to relevant health workers (midwives, obstetrician-gynecologists, nurses and paramedics) from 41 different medical institution in Lankaran region.  

From June 2023, the implementation of the second stage of the project has been started, master-classes for the medical staff, tailored  trainings and MISP simulation exercise have been organized.

The MISP (Minimum Initial Service Package) is a training program on sexual and reproductive health in emergencies. Within the training different scenarios are simulated by the medical staff and facilitators. The process is recorded for next day group discussions. This method of training is designed to make learning more interactive. The facilitators of the training are experts from Scientific-Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and the Stop AIDS Agency.

The pilot project "Safe motherhood in the southern region of Azerbaijan" is implemented by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) together with the Ministry of Health, State Agency for Compulsory Medical Insurance and TABIB.

The purpose of this project is to reduce the number of preventable maternal deaths in the pilot Lankaran region and to scale up the positive results and lessons learned to other regions of Azerbaijan.