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Gender Equality

Gender Equality

Gender Equality

Women in Azerbaijan face a number of social, economic, cultural and political challenges that include but are not limited to unemployment and poverty, labor force discrimination, domestic violence, gender biased sex selection, etc. They experience pay disparities and occupational segregation, and have to shoulder the “double burden” of full-time work and household responsibilities.

While a lot has already been done to eliminate the formal barriers faced by women by improving their legal standing and eradicating obstacles to career and educational advancement, rigid notions of gender and gender equality are pervasive and implementation of policies necessary to permeate gender equality throughout society is still lagging behind. Therefore, it is important that all institutions and actors engaged in the efforts to advance gender equality have necessary knowledge, capacities and skills to navigate embedded patriarchy and take into account women’s inputs and priorities while designing and implementing any important decisions on policy development and implementation.

UNFPA works closely with its partners and the expert community to build national capacities for effective implementation of laws and policies that advance gender equality and reproductive rights with a specific focus on greater integration with sexual and reproductive health. The strategic interventions used mainly focus on advocating for improved accountability mechanisms to advance gender equality and empower women and girls for exercising their reproductive rights. UNFPA is also committed to gender-transformative programming for elimination of discriminatory social norms and inequitable gender relations that hinder women's and girls' rights, opportunities and access to resources.

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